Toddlers (18 months to 3 years old) The move from babies to toddlers room is an exciting time for everyone. In the toddler room imagination is boundless. All types of art are offered, as well as imaginary play, outdoor play, singing and dancing. Visually stimulating colours and our children’s artwork on walls provide our toddlers with a rich and colourful environment to learn and play. Rainbow room is an extension of the care and nurturing from the babies room setting. As the children are becoming more confident in most areas of development the focus of social and emotional development is nurtured whilst incorporating the extension of age appropriate structured learning. The daily routine is full of fun and child reflective experiences that are based on cognitive, fine motor, gross motor and language skills. All of the daily events are derived from the observations of each child and reflected through individual, small and large group activities that foster and support each child’s day with a holistic approach. Our daily routine is similar to that form our babies room so the children are able to feel confident with knowing what to expect whilst also expressing their new found independence. Our program is adaptable and flexible as we aim to work with each family and our centre broad goals to create a positive and productive environment where the children can have fun and feel excited about each new day. We are happy to assist with toilet training and place a focus on early learning. You will be amazed on how quickly your child develop and be amazed on how quickly your walls will fill with mini –masterpieces. Bilby Room - Toddlers Brochure is available at the centre or request a copy online by contacting us via email or website. |